Thursday, February 4, 2010

Update on Ethan - swallow test

We took Ethan for his repeat swallow test last Friday, January 29. This was to see if he can have regular (thin) formula in a bottle. We got him situated in the chair and he was happy and talking. Then we had to WAIT for 20 minutes for the doctor and by then, he was not longer happy. When the therapist tried putting the bottle in his mouth he just started crying. She literally had to put formula in his mouth and force him jaw to make the motions to swallow. They did record maybe 3 swallows and the good news was that he didn't aspirate. The bad news is they didn't really see enough to discharge him. We are working with his regular Speech Therapist to try to get him to "have a good food experience in his mouth." I am NOT excited because we have to repeat the swallow test down the road when he will actively take formula...the little guy has had so many x-rays, I think sometimes he might glow in the dark.

So you PRAY-ERS, please pray against oral aversion and the hypersensitivity in his mouth (I felt of his gums this afternoon to see if any teeth were popping through, he gagged and threw up).

The next few weeks are full of doctor appointments. All of his doctors (pediatrician, neurologist, geneticist, G.I., pulmonologist, ENT and eye doctor) wanted to see him at 6 months. We did get GOOD NEWS from his eye doctor today...the immaturity he saw in Ethan's eyes at 5 weeks has matured and his eyes are "normal" with the exception of his bottom eyelashes grow in towards his eyeballs instead of out. Good grief! So far, the recurring theme is that most of his issues are things "he will grow out of." BOY, are Allen and I ready for that day!!

1 comment:

  1. That really made me mad that they made that baby wait 20 min. for a test. They need to be sensitive to children!!! Next time you set an appointment, tell them you want one when there will be NO waiting so he can be tested properly! Sheeesh!

    So glad things are in the "grow out of this" category and trust all will be well SOON! Praying for that sweet little boy.
